Expand Your World
Mapstar is the unique, directly usable metaverse for the real world. The Mapstar Metaverse is the true fusion of the physical reality with augmented realities and virtual realities and thus a simultaneously really and digitally walkable, experienceable and interactive world. It represents the physical/real world one-to-one and location-accurately in 3D – that's the basis and you can do everything with it. The world becomes your playground and you can use it to anchor your 3D experiences with centimeter precision and make them experienceable for others.
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- Awards12.000 €Production budget8.000 €
- Awards11.000 €Production budget5.000 €
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So war das Jahr 2023! Was hier abging, war nur noch verrückt! 🤪 Und es geht gerade so weiter! 🥳